Flight Medicine
We provide medical and administrative support to flight surgeon-assigned beneficiaries. Our programs include the computerized appointment booking and appointment validation, monitoring and recording physiological measurements for flying class physicals, occupational health examinations, and security forces personnel as well as initial triage of urgent needs, performing medical treatment, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. We facilitate the initial medical in-processing of the Fire Academy trainees by providing a nutrition, sleep, supplement, wellness, and safety briefing, medical testing, and respiratory fit test questionnaire. We perform record reviews on Periodic Health Assessment questionnaires, allowing primary care teams to complete all Department of Defense annual assessments. In addition, our services extend to accomplishing medical clearances, which encompasses overseas, retraining, commissioning, Palace Chase and Palace Front, and professional military education clearances. Furthermore, our Medical Standards Management Element is responsible for the regulation of AF Form 469, Duty Limiting Condition Reports. Lastly, Flight Medicine is the point of contact for Separation History and Physical Exams for all members separating or retiring from military service.